Thursday, February 19, 2009

Why UNIX Still remains important

Even though UNIX was created by the engineering and scientific community, its robustness and absence of a comparable alternative led to its widespread acceptance in the commercial market. UNIX today runs with full vigour on both handheld and supercomputers. It remains the preferred platform for enterprise database, ISPs, Web servers and electronic commerce. Further, UNIX is getting better all the time simply because numerous minds spread across the globe are engaged in its improvement and enhancement. Think big and you will have to think of UNIX

UNIX offers two of the best text editors (VI and emacs). Its text processing utilities are unmatched. Complex text manipulation problems are solved in UNIX buy using tool in combination. Add the shell's programming features, and you can at once develop no interactive applications – and even schedule them to run at specific times. It won't take you long to realize that UNIX actually encourages you to innovate using its basic tool set and soon you will love to accept the numerous challenges offered by this operating systems.

UNIX is still used in server environment in 80 % applications in the real world.

Why I love UNIX personally?

(1) It's simply because of challenges which provided to me (you?)
(2) I still believe UNIX can do more than what Windows can provide
(3) It's secured than Windows, Isn't?
(4) Its' challenge to play in VI editor.
(5) Windows still can't give the text processing or string processing which is given by UNIX.
(6) Many people do not like UNIX as they think it's not user friendly! .
This is also a reason to me as I can be unique in the world with few people ::)-
I heard Google is going to introduce an operating system. So Google OS can compete with Windows .Hopefully UNIX can't be beaten by Google as I believe UNIX is best in multiprocessing in real world application.
I love UNIX!

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