Monday, August 17, 2009

My success story in RTO Chennai without single penny bribe!

This is post which I wanted to write for long time, but I did not do because of my laziness!
I had a two wheeler which was bought in Pune when I was working in pune. So it's was registered for maharatra (MH) state. I did not realize the registration change how difficult it is. After served couple of year in pune, I had come to Chennai. I got the NOC (No Object Certificate) the moment I left pune. NOC is mandatory for re-registration whenever we go a state to state.
I enquired with couple of travels agency to change about re-registration of my vehicle. All are asked 4k – 5 k bucks. I then though why don't I myself go to RTO and apply for re-registration as I had NOC in my hand. I searched on internet and gathered RTO tamilnadu procedure for re-registration and ended up with a site which had given require documents and fees structure. I just amazed the re-registration fees was just Rs 60 for two wheeler. But the road tax was around R.s 1800 and other charges and late payment fees. I went to RTO office in Chennai and cached a person who works in RTO. I asked what I need to do to get re-registration certificate. He said that I would need to get Police clearance certificate first, then you come to RTO with all necessary document.
I then had gone to Commissioner Office, Egmore Chennai. I did not know anybody over there and it was first time that I was entering into a police environment. Finally, I reached a section in which I could get the police clearance certificate. I had given the necessary document to them and they asked me to come next day and collected the police certificate next day with out any trouble!
Having police certification and all required documents in hand, I had gone to RTO office. Initially, I did not know where I have to start and whom I have to contact. All people were in RTO wondering here and there. No body was giving proper response. Finally, men told me that go and meet RTO and he would guide me. I then met RTO officer and I kept the document with out any order and my goodness, he himself arranged all documents and kept them perfectly. He signed in a form of that file, and asked me to go and meet B1 section. I had gone there and met a lady and she said that I need to go and meet vehicle inspector for the first inspection.
I then met vehicle inspector and he said that I would have to bring the bike the ground where they used to inspect all the vehicles. I thought they might expect some bribe in the ground. Same time I was thinking not to bribe for any extend. I had gone to ground and shown my vehicle, they asked me to take the pencil shadow of chassis and engine numbers in a form and I did the same thing and inspector had signed a form and he asked me to come to RTO office again. I then went to RTO office again and managed to meet him and he signed again in another form and asked me to pay the Road tax. Initially, they refused to pay road tax and they given the time frame that I could pay road tax only with in the time frame. I got irritated and asked why. They said that’s the way it is. Then I did not give up and finally I managed to pay my road tax. I then gone to B1 section and next day they had given copy of the letter which suppose to be sent to pune RTO office stating to enquire about this vehicle. That B1 section people told me that it takes lot of time to get the back the reply from Pune , RTO office and they said it may take 6 months time to see their reply. I said that that's okay and taken the copy of the letter which can be used for 1 year while bike riding.
A year later, I had gone to same RTO office and asked whether they received any reply from Pune, RTO. They said yes and asked me to inspect the bike for second inspection which is part of the procedure. I then gone for the ground and waited for some time and inspection done and got the vehicle inspector's sign. I then paid re registration fees Rs 60 and approached B1 section people. They said that it takes two day to get new number. I was happy that I could get my new number in two days.
I then gone RTO and got the new number without single penny bribe! :)-
My overall experience:
(1) Its possible to handle the government officers with out bribe
(2) It was little difficult in RTO office that whom to contact for what. To know this, it took two days for me :)-
(3) Since my office timing start only in noon, I could go RTO office morning and came back office the noon time. I wonder it may not easy , if we go office regular timing like 9 – 6
(4) I would have gone to RTO 10 times at least for entire process
(5) Actually, procedure was very simple, but the way RTO employees handling the procedure will make the things difficult.
(6) Don’t give bribe as long as you have correct documents though government employees delay the process in a way.
(7) You have to be ready to stand in RTO hours and hours!
(8) Have all necessary documents in your hand then go to RTO. It would avoid time consuming.

My unanswered question:

Why separate registration for state to state since all of them under India? I understand RTO controlled by state government. But why can't central government taken control of all RTO and avoid all these things. I
I paid life time road tax in pune and again paid in Chennai. Then what's was use for the bucks I paid in Pune RTO?
Perhaps, since this is the good earning for state government, how they would stop this!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ego Illyaraja?

It's happened to see a song in Tamil channels when I was rotating the TV channels one day. Music directory Illayaraja was appearing in the on screen and singing a song in a Tamil movie called "Azhkar Malai". I was just surprise to see Illayaraja in on-screen. But my surprise turned out as frustration! Yeah, that particular song starts like this…

uzhagam ippo enga poguthuennaku intha annai boomi pothumingu pirantharavum engai pogirarennaku intha sontha naadu pothumintha mannai vittu naan engai selvain

Means... World goes some where! , but my mother land is enough for me! . For me my country is enough! Where else I could go from my born place!
This song intended to mean A.R Rahman . Raja composed this song after A.R.R just got Oscar and few global awards. It shows that Raja is having ego with A.R.R. I don't know the exact reason. But from this song he composed, clearly says that he criticize A.R.R. Is it because of Raja's popularity had come down since A.R.R started to compose? Rahman never replied on remarks made against him. He is down to earth and humble and good human being!
Now a day, Raja is composing for all 'B' grade movies since he doest not have much movies as he used to get before! Is that frustration made Raja to comment on Rahman?
As long as Raja comment on A.R.R, Rahman will go further height! I consider Raja is still doing Bachelor degree in music! Rahman doing his Ph. D in music! I also fan of Raja but when he does it like this, it's frustrating!
People will love Raja for his music but world never admires Raja personally. Same time, people will admire Rahman for his music and clean personal life! Jai Ho, Thala A.R.R!

Die heart fan of A.R.Rahman!

Oracle OLE property OraDatabase.LastServerErrText message capturing issue in VB 6.0

I have an application which uses Oracle 9i and Visual Basic 6.0 (Front end). I am passing a user defined text message by using raise_application_error (-20700, error_desc) from Oracle 9i to Visual Basic 6.0. Here, Oracle may send up to 10000 characters to Visual Basic front end. I am capturing oracle error message (raised by raise_application_error procedure) in Visual Basic in below way i.e.
My Question:
-- Session creationSet OraSession = CreateObject ("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")Set OraDatabase = OraSession.dbopendatabase(UserID.sOraSecDB, "XXXXX/XXXXX", 0&)

Public Sub Validate (dbConnection As Object, TSRPData As datTSRP_Record)
On Error GoTo ErrorGoTo StartError:sysError.HandleOracleError Err.Number, dbConnection
Resume throw_up
On Error GoTo 0
'Invoke Stored Procedure to validate the VCA of the Timed SRP
sSQL = "begin PA_ATD_ATS.PR_VALIDATE_TSRP (:pnTim_Srp_Id); end;"
.dbexecutesql sSQL
End Sub
After running above procedure PR_VALIDATE_TSRP, raise_application_error procedure will returns the error text message which is captured by user defined method "HandleOracleError"
Public Sub HandleOracleError (ErrNum As Variant, OraDatabase As Object)

If ErrNum = 440 Then
'OLE Error - i.e. Oracle Objects
ErrorovnSysErrorNumber = OraDatabase.LastServer
ErrovsSysErrorText = OraDatabase.LastServerErrText
End If
End Sub
In the above user defined method, OraDatabase.LastServerErrText captures only 532 characters. If raise_application_error returns more than 532 characters in the sense, OraDatabase.LastServerErrText captures only 532 characters and rest of characters are truncated. Please remember above coding is working fine. My only issue is that error truncation i.e OraDatabase.LastServerErrText not capturing more than 532 characters, and when I try in debug mode, if I try to print Err.description value after running PA_ATD_ATS.PR_VALIDATE_TSRP , it's also not capturing more than 532 characters. I guess OLE error object's LastServerErrText property NOT able to capture more than 532 characters. When I look at the LastServerErrText in oracle documentation , I don't see any limit is specified for method OraDatabase.LastServerErrText ( )Is there any limit OLD object LastServerErrText can capture only this much characters ( 532 characters)?, and Please guide me how i can make the adjustment to capture more than 532 characters by using same OLE object method. My user looking to see at least 10,000 characters, he does not want to see that error message truncation.
I have got the reply from Guru of that forum as below :

I tested 11g, and see 511 as the max. I'd assume this is an undocumented limitation of LastServerErrText, as I wasn't able to find it in the docs. Although it seems odd to me that you'd want to return that much data in an error message, if you have a requirement for that you might consider storing the data in a table instead, and querying the table after receiving notification of the problem.
Hope it helps
My final reply is:
Yes, I created error table and loaded the error message into it. It does work. Thanks a lot for your help but I am still surprised that oradatabase.LastServerErrText property is not allowing more than 532 characters

Monday, March 2, 2009

A trip to KoadiKaanal!

We planned to attend a friend's marriage in Erode and after that, go to Kodia kannnal. It's been a long time as I had toured kodai kaanal while I was a school student, so I was excited to go see kodai kaanal again. I knew that this was off session in kodai and one cannot expect greenery all across Kodai. So I tried to reduce my expectation a little bit. We did not plan our travel properly so we ended up with facing little difficulties to reach Kodai. Since we started our trip from Erode, we decided to go to Palani and then Kodi (We did not know that we could go via Dhindugal). We took a bus for planai and got the information that it takes around 3 ½ hrs to reach Palani. In that bus, the driver and conductor made us to watch an old Sharth Kumar movie. We manged to watch that movie after making lot of comments about it .
We crossed lot of villages and did see a lot of cultivation happening through that way. I thought to myself, that the business in the metro city was nothing in comparison with cultivation. We reached palani around 6.30 Pm, and then tried to catch a bus to Kodai; unfortunately we could not get a bus to Kodai as the last bus had left at 6.00 pm. So we decided to go by car and it cost us around Rs 900. We reached kodai around 9.30 pm.We were 4 people and we stayed in hotel for Rs 1300 and I thought this could have been cheaper because it was off session. The Next day morning, we started out in a mini van along with a few young couples and a few old couples as well. I did not see any greenery as it was the off session. I thought my prediction was correct. I could see lot of points and a village in kodai which is little far away from kodai

That village is located below a mountain, and from the mountain we could see that village clearly and along with
cultivation lands as well. I found around 100 – 150 small houses and thought to myself that these people don't know the city world and they must be having peaceful life compared to our city life!

Then we moved to Guan point – Kamal Hasan’s movie was shot at this place. I personally like Guna movie so I eagerly went there to see that. First thought to me was how Kamal and other technicians would have gone to those rocks and took the movie shots because I realized, the place is very difficult to enter and quite risky as well. Am not aware on the success of the movie Guna, but I thought Guna rocks (point) has got popularity because this movie was taken there.
We did see “Suicide point”, which is also popular. I feared to look down from that point! Then we did see few other places which were not so impressive. We struggled to get a bus back to Palani again. We then planned to go via Vathala koondu to erode but again we could not get a bus from Vathala koondu to erode, so we went to Dhindugal and then took a bus to Erode and reached there around 1.15am, the next day. It was not a very impressive trip, but I thought I utilized the chance because we don't get to visit kodai often.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Oscar getting A.R.Rahman!

I can't just leave my page without writing about my favourite musician, A.R Rahman. I was thinking to write something about A.R.R for sometime now but my laziness delayed it. At least I should write about him now when the whole world is looking at A.R.R. I have always been a big fan of A.R.R’s music and his voice. Everybody knows that he is great musician who has taken Indian music to the next level. Apart from this common / known factor, there are some inspirations that I draw from him which I wish to write about in this post.
Yes, he is such a humble person and never show his excitement on any occasion whether it's happy moment or bad moments. Here are some, there was time when a lot of people criticized his music. I remember reading in a news paper, K.J Yesdus who criticized A.R.R's Vandhay madhram album that Rahman is not singing the Vandhay Madhram song lyrics in correct timing. At the same time many a Indian have drawn such patriotism whenever they heard this song specially with his high pitched voice.
Even Illyaraja has criticized Rahman. I read somewhere that "Olyipethallam Isai Alla" (Not sure Illayraja is mentioned Rahman here). If so, then Illayraja has come to know about A.R.R after the world recognizing him as a world music director! But A.R.R has never replied to any comments that have been passed on him and his music.
Again in the news paper I read somewhere that S.P.B had commented saying, A.R.Rahman had collapsed shurthi of songs. (Not sure whether S.P.B really said it as I just read in a news paper). If its true then S.P.B must now know how big A.R.R is
That’s the good thing which I always want to learn from A.R that he never makes any loose talk. On the contrary he never hesitates to praise other musician like Yuvan Shankar Raja and others who made good music. I wonder if A.R.R has got angry for anything at all in life. Because he is always humble, a man with few words and a smiling face. Whenever I see him on the television I can see the "Shanthi" in his face!
He is also a unique music director as he knows what kind of music north Indian people and south Indian people love. According to that he makes the music. Though Illayaraja is also a legend in his own way, he could not do what A.R.R does. In fact, I used to hear some Hindi songs of A.R.R though I don’t know Hindi completely. As the saying goes, which is so true, “Music has no language barrier?”
According to me A.R Rahman is not just a Music director! There is no exaggeration, in calling him a role model of mine. I would like to learn those good qualities from him!
Jai Ho A.R.R

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Why UNIX Still remains important

Even though UNIX was created by the engineering and scientific community, its robustness and absence of a comparable alternative led to its widespread acceptance in the commercial market. UNIX today runs with full vigour on both handheld and supercomputers. It remains the preferred platform for enterprise database, ISPs, Web servers and electronic commerce. Further, UNIX is getting better all the time simply because numerous minds spread across the globe are engaged in its improvement and enhancement. Think big and you will have to think of UNIX

UNIX offers two of the best text editors (VI and emacs). Its text processing utilities are unmatched. Complex text manipulation problems are solved in UNIX buy using tool in combination. Add the shell's programming features, and you can at once develop no interactive applications – and even schedule them to run at specific times. It won't take you long to realize that UNIX actually encourages you to innovate using its basic tool set and soon you will love to accept the numerous challenges offered by this operating systems.

UNIX is still used in server environment in 80 % applications in the real world.

Why I love UNIX personally?

(1) It's simply because of challenges which provided to me (you?)
(2) I still believe UNIX can do more than what Windows can provide
(3) It's secured than Windows, Isn't?
(4) Its' challenge to play in VI editor.
(5) Windows still can't give the text processing or string processing which is given by UNIX.
(6) Many people do not like UNIX as they think it's not user friendly! .
This is also a reason to me as I can be unique in the world with few people ::)-
I heard Google is going to introduce an operating system. So Google OS can compete with Windows .Hopefully UNIX can't be beaten by Google as I believe UNIX is best in multiprocessing in real world application.
I love UNIX!